FUE vs FUT Which is the best – Satyam Hair Transplant Centre

FUE vs FUT Which is the best - Satyam Hair Transplant Centre

Hair Transplants have become common and help provide people hope and restore their confidence. There are different methods that are used for hair transplants, such as FUE and FUT, but the question is, which is the best? Both the procedures have their pros and cons and must be selected depending on your requirements.
If we talk about looks, hair has a crucial role to play. Hair can make or break your look. Thus, everyone loves good hair. People who have thin hair or bald spots or have extreme hair fall feel under confident or even start to lose their self-esteem and become highly insecure. However, the good news is that you do not have to live with this problem, as it is treatable and can be managed. If you are facing hair fall, baldness or thinning of hair, contact or visit Satyam Hair Transplant Centre, as it is one of the best hair transplant centres and will provide you with the desired results.

Hair Transplant Procedures

Hair transplants can be done using different procedures, which are mainly FUE and FUT. These are explained as follows:

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

In this, hair follicles are directly taken from the back of the head. It is done through small punch incisions. The hairs are carefully transplanted into these holes.

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)

In this, a portion of the scalp is stripped, which is several inches long. It is divided into a number of portions as required, and then these portions are transplanted. When they grow, they provide natural-looking hair growth.

Difference Between FUE and FUT

Both FUE and FUT are widely used, but you wonder which is the best? FUE or FUT? They have a few differences in the way hair is extracted. In addition, they can be differentiated on some factors. These are as follows:

Method Of Hair Extraction: In FUE, hair follicles are extracted using small incisions for each extraction, whereas in FUT, a portion of the scalp that contains many hair follicles is stripped.

Pain and swelling: In FUE, there is hardly any pain or swelling, while the FUT procedure causes minor pain and swelling.

Scarring: The FUE procedure does not cause scars, whereas FUT causes scars that will eventually heal.

Stitches: As long as an incision is made in the FUT procedure, stitches are required. However, in FUE, stitches are not required.

Cost: FUT is cost-effective as compared to FUE.

Time Required: The FUT procedure requires less time, whereas the FUE procedure takes more time.

Transection Rate: It is the number of grafts damaged during the extraction. So, the transaction rate in FUE is 2% to 5%, and in FUT, it is 1% to 2%.

These are some of the points that help distinguish between FUE and FUT. Which is better, FUE or FUT depends on your requirements and conditions. Visit Satyam Hair Transplant Centre to know your best hair transplant option.

FUE or FUT: Which Hair Transplant Procedure Is Best?

Both FUE and FUT provide natural-looking hair growth. They differ in terms of extraction, cost, the time required, transection rate, pain and swelling. Irrespective of their differences, they provide the same results. But to know which is best, FUE or FUT, you must consult a specialist and visit the best hair transplant centre like Satyam Hair Transplant Centre. The doctor will analyse your condition, requirements, and other factors and, accordingly, suggest a hair transplant procedure that best suits your requirements.
So, what are you waiting for? Do not let hair fall, baldness, or hair thinning lower your self-esteem. Take action and get your desired hair from the best hair transplant centre. Book your consultation today!