Instructions Post Surgery Care


Hair Transplant surgery is a sensitive treatment. In order to get the required results without any inconvenience, it is crucial that you follow the after surgery instructions as provided by Dr. K.K. Arora.

The post surgery or after surgery instructions are essential to be followed to ensure the correct healing of scars and suitable growth of transplanted hair. Following are the crucial instructions that our surgeon gives to his patients to prevent occurrence of any serious problems after the surgery:


    After the treatment, medicine is given to have pain-free sleep. You don’t need to always intake antibiotics. While taking bath, you are suggested to delicately clean the transplanted region with a specific shampoo. The follicular grafts are made to fit adequately into the recipient area and not to be removed during shower if you follow the instructions carefully.

    You should handle your transplanted hair gently in the first week after the surgical procedure. You can also dye your new hair after four weeks of surgery. You should meet your surgeon on 10th day of the procedure. In case if you reside far from the center, you can interact through phone.

    When you contact Dr. K.K. Arora for qualified hair transplant solution, you are assured of receiving the qualitative results that last permanently if you follow the given instructions carefully. You will receive a warm environment in assistance of our professional surgical team that assists you in each of treatment. Contact us at any time for receiving any kind of assistance that you need after the surgery.


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