Beard Transplant Centre


Hair loss occurs due to several reasons such as medical treatment, stress, anxiety and injury in head. As Hair are an essential part of body, a wide reduction in hair density affects your overall appearance and is a sign of a medical trouble. Therefore it is essential to get a hair restoration consultation as soon as possible to prevent any major tragedy. Dr. K.K. Arora at Satyam Hair Transplant Clinic Ludhiana, comprehensively diagnoses the reasons of hair fall and suggests the suitable treatment.

Beard Hair transplantation for Men have specifically seen a vast increase across the globe particularly in the recent months. FUE for beard transplants is used to increased beard density in case of mild hair count in beard and to cover the facial scars. Just like any other hair transplant procedure, beard transplant is a specialized procedure offering the results that are widely based on the skills and qualification possessed by your surgeon. Our expert surgeon Dr. K.K. Arora is specialized in facial hair, beard and eyebrow hair transplants.



    Facial scars or patchiness may be caused by injuries, medicine reaction or genetic problems. It is found that millions of men around the world look for solution of patchiness in their beard. In many cultures, a healthy beard symbolizes the status and esteem of men. Nowadays men look for the versatile facial hair treatments. The potential to develop a full and dense beard allows them to modify their overall look and style of beard at anytime they need.


    FUE procedure that is commonly used for scalp hair transplant is also significant for performing beard hair transplant. It is nominally incision method to improve your facial hair density. The treatment length varies from 3 to 9 hours on the base of required area to be treated and count of hairs need to be transplanted.

    During the treatment the surgeon finds the stable zone area at the side or back of scalp. It is referred as the donor area for beard. Fine hairs are normally required for a Beard Transplant where the donor area is present on the head’s side. If the patient is losing hair gradually or is fully bald then the body hair like from chest are used for donor area. FUE Beard Transplant in India is done under local anesthetic to result into nominal downtime. After finding the donor area, the hair follicles are extracted one by one at time by punches to cut around the follicle. The equipment size is based on the size of the follicles needed.

    After completing the local anesthesia the hair transplanted areas on face are examined. With extreme care and experience, it is ensures that removed hairs are transplanted at the correct angle to offer the best density to provide the best results.


    The outcomes of FUE beard transplant in Punjab are long lasting that look natural. By the treatment conducted under the supervision of Dr. K.K. Arora, beard density increases significantly. Eventually the hair growth starts and tends to increase as it happens on the rest part of beard.


    FUT & FUE हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट में क्या अंतर है ? जाने दोनों में से कौन-सी सर्जरी है सबसे ज़्यादा उपयुक्त ? 

    हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सिर के उस हिस्से पर बालों को जोड़ने के लिए किया जाता है जहाँ बाल काफी पतले हो जाते है या फिर गंजापन आना शुरू हो जाता है

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