Hair Transplant in Men


Everyone makes efforts to maintain the natural growth of their hair. But hair loss at some age in men in fact it happens to everyone. The reasons can be many. Everyone of us loses hair almost every day. Fall of 60 to 100 hair strands is not an issue. But when the count of fallen hairs increases from this level, it becomes something that you should be worried about. Fortunately the advancement in cosmetic science, the solution of hair loss is feasible.



    Everyone makes efforts to maintain the natural growth of their hair. But hair loss at some age in men in fact it happens to everyone. The reasons can be many. Everyone of us loses hair almost every day. Fall of 60 to 100 hair strands is not an issue. But when the count of fallen hairs increases from this level, it becomes something that you should be worried about. Fortunately the advancement in cosmetic science, the solution of hair loss is feasible.

    Actually, in men hair transplant in India, hair follicles are extracted from scalp where hair density is higher such as head back. From here, the received hairs are transplanted in to the bald region where is hair count is less than average. The bald area is covered and hairs grow again in the donor region over the time. So the overall scalp is covered with quality of hair.


    Hair transplant procedure is very simple, hair units are received from the donor region and then placed in the recipient area. Prior to conduct the procedure, it is ensured that the chosen candidate is fit for the procedure or not. On the base of baldness level, the magnitude of donor region, density and thickness of hair in the recipient region as well as the hair evaluation, our surgeons determine the feasibility of treatment in a particular person.

    Men from Australia and Canada visit our centre to get the best men hair transplant in Ludhiana, Punjab at low prices.




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