Female Pattern Baldness Treatment


Female pattern baldness is hair loss condition in which particular pattern of hair loss is formed. This occurs in women having androgenetic alopecia. It is noted that around 40% women start facing this problem till the time they reach 50 and less than 45% women only live their life with beautiful hair. In society, women and beauty are a synonym for each other. So hair loss is a very distressing problem for women.

Though we called it a type of androgenetic alopecia, the baldness pattern is quite different from that of male pattern baldness. Normally 50-100 hairs shed in a day, but when the shedding of hair increases and hair volume reduce to a considerable level, it causes diffuse thinning of scalp’s hair. The male pattern of baldness very rarely occurs in women as it associated with androgen. If there is excessive production of androgens than male pattern baldness can also occur in women.




    The extent of baldness in this type of hair can vary. Sometimes, the FPHL show very mild hair loss. So it completely up to you that you want to have treatment for this or not. But still, It is more difficult for women to face baldness than men. It can even cause the depression and low self-esteem in women. So getting a treatment for hair loss as early as possible is a must for women. The treatment for female pattern baldness is as following:


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