Normal Hair Growth Cycle

What is a Normal Hair Growth Cycle?

A normal hair growth cycle is one wherein hair starts and ends its joinery in the hair follicle unit. The normalcy of it all is established by the fact that the hair follicle constantly engages with this cycle, and it is not disrupted by external or internal sources. The moment the follicle stops participating in the hair growth cycle is when permanent hair loss takes place on one’s head. It is important to remember that one can always receive hair loss treatment in Punjab, no matter the method.

Stages of a Normal Hair Growth Cycle

Any normal hair growth cycle is divided into four stages. These four stages are as follows:

  • Anagen
  • Catagen
  • Telogen
  • Exogen


Anagen, also known as the growing phase of the hair growth stage, is where the growth of the hair actually begins. It is the longest stage wherein the growth of the hair lasts for about three to five years on one’s scalp. It may last upwards of seven years for some people depending on certain factors. 

However, it is important to note that hair on the different parts of one’s body has different lifespans and phases of anagen. Hair on one’s face, or pubic hair in general, has a much shorter anagen stage than hair on one’s head. One’s scalp, for the most part, is in the anagen phase.


This phase is also known as the transition phase, wherein the hair growth in the anagen phase recedes, and the telogen phase of the hair follicular unit starts to take hold. During this phase, the follicles start to automatically shrink and the growth of the hair slows down. The hair can also separate from the bottom of the hair follicle in this stage, while otherwise remaining attached to it. This stage is very short in comparison and it only lasts upwards of a ten-day period.


This stage of the hair growth cycle is also known as the resting phase, wherein the hair growth itself stops. This phase typically lasts for three months. While hair growth does not explicitly happen in this stage, hair strands do not fall out either. Since the hair follicle has already detached the hair, the telogen stage is also when the new hair growth begins. Some hair clinics in India also consider this phase as the shedding of the hair phase, wherein the hair follicular unit essentially sheds the hair from its clutches, while others have divided this into two separate stages, telogen and exogen.


An extended part of the telogen stage, under the exogen phase, is where the detached hair in the hair follicle sheds. This phase is also known as the shedding of all the essentially dead hair strands from the scalp. It is entirely normal to lose anywhere around fifty to a hundred hair strands when the scalp is in the exogen stage. These hair strands might fall during shampooing or combing one’s hair. This phase can last anywhere from two to five months.

Why Choose Satyam Hair Transplant Centre?

With Satyam Hair Transplant Centre’s state-of-the-art technologically equipped centre, one can expect a premium hair transplant treatment. Receive the best quality hair transplant in Ludhiana with Satyam’s team of experts. We provide excellent treatment and recovery plans for all our patients. By opting for Satyam, you chose a centre that prioritizes patient’s comfort above everything else.



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