Hair Loss


Hair loss is the phenomenon wherein a person starts to lose their hair for a variety of reasons. It is worth raising an alarm when the hair does not grow back at all. Permanency when it comes to hair loss can be alarming. Medically, this condition is known as alopecia. It is a disorder that is caused by the body’s inability to complete a hair growth cycle. It can occur anywhere on the body. However, it is most prominent on the scalp.

Permanent hair loss on the scalp at any age is enough to raise concern. There are a number of reasons why hair loss might be triggered. It can range from one’s lifestyle choices, pollution in the environment or even an external injury to any body part that has rendered the specific areas of skin to lose their ability of producing hair.

However, it is important to remember that there are a number of treatment options available when it comes to hair loss and transplants. One can consult the best hair loss doctor in Ludhiana to understand all the possibilities.



    Male Hair Loss

    When one is suffering through it, hair loss in men can appear to be a lonely, isolating experience. People tend to isolate themselves, but it is important to note that one is not alone in this; in fact, most men suffer through some sort of hair loss or another at varied stages of their life. There can be a myriad of reasons why someone might be facing the issues of hair loss, ranging from elevated stress levels to issues such as anaemia and thyroid. Lack of protein in one’s body, as well as chemotherapy, can lead to permanent hair loss. There are a number of treatment options available for hair transplants to cover up the hair loss sustained by men. In fact, hair loss treatment cost in India is surprisingly affordable.


    Female Hair Loss

    Hair loss in women tends to hit harder than it does in men – most, if not all, women associate their beauty with the quality and quantity of their hair. Any and all hair loss sustained can become the root cause of many insecurities and can temper one’s self-esteem and confidence levels. Permanent hair loss in women can hinder their ability to see the beauty in themselves. The relief is that just as for men, there are solutions for women who face permanent hair loss as well. The same advent of technology is open to women who can access a hair transplant treatment plan.


    Hair Transplant Before & After


    Hair Transplant Before & After


    Hair Transplant Before & After


    Hair Transplant Before & After


    Hair Transplant Before & After

    III Vertex

    Hair Transplant Before & After


    Hair Transplant Before & After


    Hair Transplant Before & After


    Hair Transplant Before & After


    Hair Transplant Before & After


    Hair Transplant Before & After


    Hair Transplant Before & After



    The best hair loss doctor in Ludhiana can help you understand the different stages of hair loss. Permanent hair loss happens in stages, slowly and gradually over time. There are four stages in which the permanency of hair loss sets; these are:

    1. Anagen
    2. Catagen
    3. Telogen
    4. Exogen

    After the end of stage four, the hair follicle is typically deemed redundant and unable to function properly.

    Hair Transplant


    In this stage, the hair follicle is still active. This phase usually lasts for two to seven years, wherein the hair grows at the rate of 1 centimetre per month. Due to unknown reasons, at any given point, this stage will transform itself into the next stage, Catagen.

    Hair Transplant


    This is a shorter stage of the hair loss cycle, as it stands to mark the end of the active hair follicles stage. This stage can last up to a week, wherein the hair follicle regresses in its size. This phase is characterised by the formation of club hair.

    Hair Transplant


    This stage happens when the body is under extreme duress, and the hair follicles rest. This is the stage wherein hair drop takes place, and one loses a lot of hair. Follicles are extremely weakened, and by the time the exogen phase starts, hair starts falling spontaneously.

    Hair Transplant


    This is the last stage of the hair loss cycle, wherein the hair from the telogen phase starts shedding automatically, without any prompting from the various hair follicles in the telogen stage.


    There are a number of reasons why one can lose their hair over time. For some people, the reasons are intrinsic; for others, the reason is extrinsic. Following is the list of reasons that can be behind an individual’s hair loss:

    Hair Transplant Before & After


    Hormonal imbalance is perhaps one of the reasons why one sees early hair loss in young men and women.

    Hair Transplant

    Autoimmune disease

    Chronic illnesses and their treatment options can be one of the other reasons why someone might face the issue of hair loss.

    Hair Transplant


    Genetic disorders can also lead to early hair loss in young men and women.

    Hair Transplant

    Cosmetic procedures

    Any sort of scarring left behind by an injury directly impacts the hair follicle’s ability to produce healthy hair.

    Hair Transplant

    Stress, illness, and childbirth

    The stress of childbirth on the body can also cause severe hair loss.

    Hair Transplant

    Medical conditions

    Various medical conditions can be behind the advent of premature hair loss.

    Hair Transplant


    Certain prescribed medicines can cause hair loss as a side effect of the treatment.

    Hair Transplant


    What sort of diet one maintains can have a direct link to the quality and quantity of hair on one’s body.


    With the rising technological advancements and the widespread availability and accessibility of options, the hair loss treatment cost is considerably lower than it would have been a decade ago. However, there are different categories of hair loss that can impact an individual. Before starting your treatment, one should be aware of different types of hair loss.

    Androgenetic Alopecia 

    Alopecia Areata

    Traction Alopecia 


    Telogen effluvium

    Where Can You Find Us?

    • Call us at 91-9803788888
    • Email us at:

    Visit our website to fill out the ‘Quick Enquiry’ form for any questions.

    Visit our main branch for a hair transplant consultation: 

    862/2 Krishna Nagar Near Aarti Chowk, Ludhiana. 141001, Punjab, India

    You can also book a consultation by filling out the Fix My Appointment form on the clinic’s website.