Male Pattern Baldness Treatment

What is Male Pattern Baldness?

Male Pattern baldness as the name depicts is a type of hair loss in men. I would rather say it is the most common type of hair loss in men. This is also called as androgenic alopecia. Almost 70% of men get affected with Male pattern baldness(MPB) in their lifetime. In this, the hair loss starts from the temples and vertex of the scalp. But very strange thing is that in this type of hair loss, men don’t get bald completely. The hair at the edge remains. First, it takes the ‘M’ shape with the receding hairline and then later it takes ‘U’ shape.

What is Male Pattern Baldness?

Now we know what male pattern baldness is and the next question that comes in our mind is about it causes and reasons. Why male pattern baldness occurs? The baldness is a process, not a one-day event. The gradual changes like thinning of hair, shrinkage of hair follicles, etc occurs first and then finally the hair fall. In the case of male pattern baldness, the reason of this changes in hair follicle structure is hormones. The male hormone, testosterone because of some reasons convert into dihydrotestosterone in the scalp’s cell. When the hair follicles get sensitive to dihydrotestosterone, the changes in follicles structures begin. But there are no explanations for the questions like why all the scalp hair don’t get affected with it and why other bodily hairs don’t fall? The MPB normally occurs because of hereditary reasons. If a father is affected with it, there is a great possibility that a son will also get affected with it. In this, many different genes are involved.




    Type I : Hair fall requires medical treatment only.
    Male Pattern Baldness Treatment

    Type II : Hair Transplants for those who desire to advance hairline

    Male Pattern Baldness Treatment

    Type III : Hair transplants for those who want to advance hairline and achieve filling at vertex.

    Male Pattern Baldness Treatment

    Type IV : Requires hair transplant.

    Male Pattern Baldness Treatment

    Type V : Requires hair transplant. May require more than one sitting.

    Male Pattern Baldness Treatment

    Type VI : Requires hair transplant. Definitely requires two sittings.

    Male Pattern Baldness Treatment


    There is not a particular treatment for this as it is quite a normal process in most of the men. But if occurs at an early age or at the very high rate then the following treatment can be considered as solutions for it.


    As we have discussed the role of hormones in this kind of baldness, so these medicines basically work on this hormone. Finasteride and minoxidil are the two medicines which are used it. Finasteride restrict the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone which causes irritation to hair follicles and then helps in stopping the hair fall. Minoxidil is a rub-on medicine which helps in hair growth.

    Hair Transplant

    If the medicines do not work for a person then the only solutions to get natural hair that left for him is hair transplant. In general, hair transplant is a process in which hair follicles are extracted from one place and is implanted in an area where there is less hair or not hair. There is two type of hair transplant available.

    In this process a complete strip of scalp skin having hair follicles is removed and then hair follicles are extracted from it. These hair follicles are then implanted in scalp area where hair is receding.

    In this method, hair follicles are directly extracted from the scalp without removing any strip. So no stitches are needed in this method. Then these extracted hair follicles are implanted in the scalp area with receding hair. This procedure is non-invasive, painless and scarless, so preferred by most patients.


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