Our hair is one of the most essential parts of our body that shapes the personality of an individual. The luscious hair on your head brings out a sense of satisfaction and boosts your confidence. A good hair day can elevate your enthusiasm along with a sense of possibilities blooming within you.
Hair transplant surgery is a process that is performed to manage hair loss. There are a number of methods associated with hair transplants, and all of these techniques involve hair restoration by taking hair-bearing skin from a part of the scalp and placing these pieces of skin on the bald areas of the scalp or areas of trauma.
Hair loss can occur due to scalp inflammation, injury to the scalp or androgenetic alopecia, commonly known as male pattern baldness. Injuries such as burns, scalds, or accidental-related injuries may induce permanent hair loss in the affected area, which can be restored by consulting a hair clinic in Ludhiana.
Several inflammatory diseases like lichen planus, lupus or morphea can also lead to a permanent hair loss in the affected areas that can be treated with a hair transplant in Punjab. In most cases of hair loss and baldness, a hair transplant surgery is performed to treat male pattern baldness.
A hair transplant is performed under the supervision of a surgeon for hair transplant in India who takes grafts or pieces of skin from hair-bearing areas of the scalp. The hair-bearing area of the scalp is called the donor site. The donor site is generally located at the back of your head, which is the place where your hair is usually the thickest. The surgeon at a hair clinic in Punjab places the grafts into the hairless parts of the scalp, and once the area of transplant heals, it starts to grow hair.




What Conditions Can Be Treated With A Hair Transplant In Punjab?
- Alopecia areata: an autoimmune disease that affects and attacks hair follicles.
- Androgenic alopecia or patterned baldness.
- Hormonal imbalances or thyroid disease.
- Burns or traumatic injuries.
Who Is A Candidate For Hair Transplant?
- Are in good health
- Have genuine and realistic expectations from the treatment.
- They still have hair-bearing areas on their scalp with thick growth.

Details Of The Procedure.
The most common method of hair transplant is hair grafting. The surgeon at a hair transplant centre in Ludhiana has small pieces of scalp from the area that contain healthy and thick hair, or sometimes the surgeon uses a small round punch to cut a part of the skin that includes 10-15 hairs. These grafts were also known as “hair plugs”. Micro Plugs comprise one to two holes.
The process of grafting can take several hours to complete. People usually undergo hair transplant treatment in Punjab without taking any sedation medicine. The only medicine that they receive is to numb their scalp while performing the surgery. The number of surgeries you may require is determined by the hair your surgeon needs to move. If you are going to get more than one surgery, your scalp may need some time to heal between the procedures, which can take a few months.
How Is Scalp Reduction Performed?
Another name for scalp reduction is alopecia reduction. The procedure involves the removal of a small area of the bald scalp. The nearby skin that contains hair is loosened and pulled over to the area that is bald, and then the area is stitched so that it can heal with time and start growing hair.
The bald areas on the top and back of the head are treated well with scalp reduction procedures, as these areas are usually surrounded by hair-bearing skin. In some cases, the surgeon at a hair transplant centre in India uses both hair implants and scalp reduction procedures together in order to achieve full coverage. Just like grafting, scalp reduction also only requires numbing medication for the scalp while the surgery is being performed, which means there is no requirement for general anaesthesia.
How Is Flap Surgery Performed?
Flap surgery is recommended for hair transplant by a surgeon when you have large bald areas around the front of your scalp. Flap surgery takes place in a number of phases over weeks. Superficial cuts are made by the surgeon around the three sides of the donor site, and one side is left attached in order to maintain the blood flow. After the flap is cut the surgeon lifts it over the bald area. The procedure of flap surgery is performed with the individual being under general anaesthesia.
How Is Tissue Expansion Performed?
If an individual has scalp baldness or hair loss caused by burns, then tissue expansion surgery is performed by a surgeon at a hair transplant centre in Ludhiana. The process of tissue expansion is performed under general anaesthesia and involves a number of steps:
- A surgeon for hair transplant in Punjab inserts an implant shaped like a balloon under the scalp where there is still hair and is known as a tissue expander.
- The tissue expander is inflated in order to stretch the skin.
- The final step of the procedure involves covering the bald area with the stretched skin.
Benefits Of Hair Transplant.
With a hair transplant, you get to live the days when you used to flaunt your beautiful and thick hair. A hair transplant refines your looks, making you more attractive and reviving your confidence. It helps you have gorgeous, healthy, thick hair that gives you a sense of satisfaction.
Getting a hair transplant in India gives you access to a permanent solution for your hair. While some people use wigs to cover their bald hair, others use medications that do not promise a permanent solution. A hair transplant gives you freedom from baldness for the long term.
There will be no more bald spots to bother you in your personal as well as professional life. The hair restoration procedure at a hair clinic in Ludhiana will cover all your bald spots so you can get back to your social life with new confidence and enthusiasm.

Things To Keep In Mind Before A Hair Transplant Surgery In Punjab.
Before you decide to go for a hair transplant surgery at a hair clinic in India, there are some things that you need to consider:
- It is essential that you keep your expectations realistic. If you get a surgery without already having much hair on your head, the results of the surgery are not going to be much effective. The surgery is mostly effective if there is still some healthy and thick hair on your head, which can be used to give you head hair.
- Usually, hair that is thick and light in colour or grey gives out the best results of hair transplant in Punjab as compared to hair that is thin and dark in colour.
- A hair transplant can take up to 8 or 9 months till the root sets and begins to grow hair.
- Consider the cost of the hair transplant. It may not be much, but you need to consider whether it is affordable, as cosmetic surgeries usually do not qualify for insurance. However, hair loss caused by burns or trauma can be treated with a hair transplant, which may be covered under health insurance. It is better to consult a surgeon at a hair transplant centre in Ludhiana to inquire about out-of-pocket expenses.
- People who smoke are more likely to experience risk from hair transplant surgery in Ludhiana. Therefore, if you are genuinely considering a hair transplant, then it would be recommended that you quit smoking.
- You may require continuous medical treatment after hair transplant surgery.
Risks/Complications Of Hair Transplant.

- Allergic reaction to anaesthesia.
- Heavy blood loss.
- Failed grafts or flaps.
- Infection.
- Loss of feeling on the scalp
- Scarring.
- Crust or scabs.
- Itching
- Pain or throbbing.
- Swelling or inflammation.
- Tightness.
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- +91 9803788888
- 862/2 Krishna Nagar Near Aarti Chowk,Ludhiana. 141001, Punjab, India

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सत्यम हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सेंटर ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल पर पोस्ट एक इंटरव्यू वीडियो में डॉक्टर के.के. अरोड़ा से यह पूछा गया कि यदि किसी व्यक्ति ने हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सर्जरी के

क्या आप भी बाल झड़ने की समस्या से पीड़ित है, जाने डॉक्टर के.के. अरोड़ा से कैसे पाए इस समस्या से छुटकारा
सत्यम हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट सेंटर के सीनियर कंसल्टेंट डॉक्टर के.के. अरोड़ा ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक यूट्यूब शॉर्ट्स के माध्यम से यह बताया कि वर्तमान स्थिति के अनुसार पूरे

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सत्यम हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट के सीनियर कंसल्टेंट डॉक्टर के.के. अरोड़ा ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक इंटरव्यू वीडियो में यह बताया कि उनके पास भी ऐसे कई मरीज़ आते है