Hair Transplant Canada


Hair transplant is considered as the easiest way to come out of hair loss problem but is everyone eligible for hair transplant treatment.  We can’t ignore the importance of hair as it directly affects how we look. Our look definitely affects our self -confidence. So hair transplant is the most preferred way to get your natural hair look-back. Follicular Unit Extraction has become preferable because of its painless and scarless technique. In this technique, one follicle is extracted out of the group of four follicles. Then the areas where hair is less, holes are made and that extracted one follicle is placed there and within 6 months patient gets his natural hair back.

FUE has many advantages over the older techniques like FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation. In FUT, not a follicle is extracted but a strip is removed having hair follicles and then hair follicle is extracted from it and at the place from where a strip is removed, stitched together.  Extracted hair is then placed to required area. FUT is very painful technique and takes a long time to recovery as well. Follicular Unit Transportation can cause numbness of some body parts if the procedure is not performed accurately. Whereas FUE does not cause such side-effects at all. It is painless as well. Patient easily recovers in it. The best thing in FUE is that if you are not satisfied with the result then you can the FUE treatment again. This is the reason that FUE hair transplant in Canada is getting so much attention of patients and prefer it among other techniques.

We also provide the hair transplant in USA fro those people who wants their surgery done in USA.